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The Eval4Action Walk the Talk video drive took place from 1-31 October 2021. The Walk the Talk Drive is a follow up to the #Eval4Action Commitment Drive held in October 2020, where worldwide commitments were made to accelerate action for influential evaluation.
During the drive, VOPEs, networks, young and emerging evaluators, parliamentarians, private sector and the United Nations shared over 170 videos on actions to accelerate influential evaluation, to support equitable and sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
While the Walk the Talk drive has concluded, institutional and/or individual actions to advance influential evaluation can be shared at any time by posting a video on social media or by writing to The Walk the Talk drive is open to everyone, regardless of a prior commitment to accelerate influential evaluation, as all actions are vital to get back on track to achieve the SDGs.
Following up on the momentum of the drive, Eval4Action regional partners nominated Walk the Talk contributors to blog on their actions for influential evaluation. These blogs take a deep dive into actions for influential evaluation, and help to learn more about how these actions were organized, overcame challenges, and their plans for scaling up. These ideas can further inspire the global evaluation community to step up actions to advance influential evaluation in the Decade of Action. Read the Walk the Talk blogs.
See the FAQ on Walk the Talk drive
Find out how you can contribute a
Walk the Talk video
global actions
africa actions
asia pacific actions
eurasia actions
europe actions
latin america and the caribbean actions
middle east and north africa actions
north america actions


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