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take action

Eval4Action belongs to you,
whether you are an individual or represent a network or an institution. 

Wherever you are, you can support, commit and lead the campaign to bolster dialogue and action to accelerate influential evaluation, and build stronger national evaluation capacities to achieve the SDGs. Let’s coordinate, expand and join our efforts to put Eval4Action in motion.

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Help us tell the world that strong evaluation is a building block for achieving the SDGs. Use the materials in the Resources section to spread the word on Eval4Action on your communication channels.



Announce your commitment to accelerate action for influential evaluation and increase progress on evaluation capacities. Commitments can be individual or institutional and can be made at any time. Share your commitment on social media via a video.


See the 133 commitments made at the #Eval4Action Commitment Drive.

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Launch and take ownership of the campaign in your country and region, to strengthen your on-going action for stronger national evaluation capacities.

Amplify the demand for strong evaluation by connecting to other public mobilization campaigns in your country or region, such as local campaigns on SDGs implementation, gender equality, climate change, among others.


Connect to the Voluntary National Review (VNR) process in your country to advocate for stronger use of evaluative evidence in the national VNR report.


In your network or institution, integrate Eval4Action in your work processes for stronger advocacy for evaluation capacities.

Learn more about #Eval4Action regional consultations.

Express your interest to join the campaign by emailing, and by filling in this form.  The Eval4Action team will get in touch with you to explore possible synergies.


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Disclaimer: Being accepted as a partner of the Eval4Action campaign does not constitute or imply in any way, endorsement or recommendation of the partner by the co-leading organizations. The views and opinions expressed by Eval4Action partners in documents, blogs, videos, website and other media are those of the partners and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Eval4Action co-leaders and other partners. The designations in this web site do not imply an opinion on the legal status of any country or territory, or of its authorities, or the delimitations of frontiers.  

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