regional consultations
Moving toward action for influential evaluation
Since the genesis of Eval4Action, the campaign has re-energized the global evaluation community and wider stakeholders, and put a greater spotlight on evaluation being the highest accelerator for achieving the SDGs.
To co-create actions for influential evaluation, Eval4Action invites regional VOPEs, regional EvalYouth chapters and regional parliamentarians fora to organize regional consultations with support from Eval4Action co-leaders, notably UNFPA, EvalYouth Global Network and the Global Parliamentarians Forum for Evaluation. The idea is to promote inclusiveness and participation, and to engage the highest number of diverse stakeholders.
The Eval4Action regional consultations seek to provide a platform to regional and national evaluators and other stakeholders to:
Strengthen dialogue and partnerships towards influential evaluation, in the context of COVID-19 and the SDGs
Identify concrete commitments and action for influential evaluation, to accelerate progress towards the SDGs
In one year since the launch of the campaign, seven Eval4Action regional consultations have been held, including in the Asia Pacific, MENA, Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe, Eurasia, Africa and North America.
Post the regional consultations, participatory follow-up processes are co-creating regional evaluation action plans and commitments for influential evaluation towards the achievement of the SDGs. For more information, read additional details on the follow up to the Asia Pacific and MENA consultations. In many regions, regional consultations are paving the way for sub-regional and national consultations that are helping to further spotlight local evaluation priorities, action plans and partnerships for influential evaluation.
If you are interested in organizing a consultation in your region, please write to contact@eval4action.org