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Eval4Action sub-regional consultation in West and Central Africa

Following the first sub-regional consultation in East and Southern Africa in April 2021, the second Eval4Action sub-regional consultation took place in West and Central Africa on 27 May 2021. The consultation provided a platform to regional and national evaluators and other stakeholders to consult on ‘What actions for influential evaluation should be prioritized to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs and the Africa We Want?’.

The speakers at the event included Samuel Kouakou (Vice President of AfrEA), Saturnin Zoetyande (Co-chair, AfrEA YEE network), Hon. Noel Rossan Goakun Toe (Member of Burkina Faso National Assembly) Abdoulaye Gounou (Chief of Evaluation Office in Benin), Bakary Kone (Director, Strategic Planning, Partnerships and Resource Mobilization at ACBF), Urbain Tsala (Chair, Cameroon Development Evaluation Association), and Mamadou Coulibaly (Vice President, RFE).

The main priorities emerging from the consultation include:

  • Building capacity on evaluation especially of young and emerging evaluators

  • Strengthening national evaluation policies in countries in the sub-region

  • To nurture Made in Africa evaluations

The sub-regional consultations in Africa are a follow up to the Eval4Action pan African regional consultation held in December 2020. Together the priorities emerging from the sub-regional consultations will shape an African evaluation action plan for delivery of the SDGs by 2030.

Watch the sub-regional consultation recording here.



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