In full alignment with the United Nations Secretary-General’s Decade of Action, the Decade of EVALUATION for Action (Eval4Action) is mobilizing all stakeholders to scale up action for influential evaluation to support the delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDG Good Practice Initiative by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), has recognized Eval4Action’s evaluation advocacy as a SDG Good Practice.
The specific Eval4Action initiatives selected as a SDG Good Practice include:
The regional advocacy kickstarted by the seven regional consultations has paved the way for sub-regional and national consultations to mobilize local action for influential evaluation. Learn more
The implementation of the strategy is underway. Any organization or entity can also use and implement the strategy based on their resources. Learn more
More about the SDG Good Practice Initiative: In the second open call for SDG Good Practices, success stories and lessons learned, more than 700 submissions were reviewed by a team of experts from United Nations entities. The results are available in an online database of more than 450 SDG good practices from all over the world, that are implemented by governments and stakeholders from different sectors and address the 17 SDGs.