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Eval4Action in 2021: Priorities and plans

With its launch in April 2020, Eval4Action is mobilizing action for influential evaluation to accelerate the achievements of the Sustainable Development Goals. Today, the campaign has nearly 120 partners that are spearheading global, regional and national action for influential evaluation. For a brief recap of the campaign activities in 2020, watch this video.

As the campaign moves forward in 2021, partners from all the regions shared their feedback and suggestions via the Eval4Action 2021 priority survey. This was followed by an informal dialogue with 40 global and regional Eval4Action leaders that came together to frame priorities for the campaign at the global and regional levels.

The feedback received from the survey and the informal dialogue has been instrumental in shaping the global direction for Eval4Action. The campaign priorities are focused on intensifying regional and national action for influential evaluation and strengthening multi-stakeholder partnerships for evaluation at all levels.

In particular, Eval4Action will focus on:

  • Supporting the regions in the design and roll out of the regional action plans for influential evaluation

  • Establishing regional communication hubs together with regional stakeholders

  • Facilitating cross sharing among regions

  • Follow up to the Eval4Action Commitment Drive, accelerating action for influential evaluation

  • Strengthening outreach of the campaign in the global fora

A brief paper summarizes the outcomes of the survey, the informal dialogue and Eval4Action priorities and plans for 2021.



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