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Eval4Action consultation in Eurasia

The fifth Eval4Action regional consultation will take place in Eurasia on 16 December 2020 on the theme “Promoting Evaluation in the World of Uncertainty”. The event is organized by the Eurasian Alliance for National Evaluation Associations and the EvalYouth Network in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EvalYouth ECA).

The consultation seeks to provide a platform to regional and national evaluators and other stakeholders in the region to strengthen partnership and dialogue towards influential evaluation, in the context of COVID-19 and the Sustainable Development Goals.

The speakers at the regional consultation include Dmytro Kondratenko (Chairman of the Coordination Council of Eurasian Alliance of National Evaluation Associations); Antonina Rishko-Porcescu (Co-chair, EvalYouth ECA); Natalia Nikitenko (Member of Parliament, Kyrgyzstan); Iryna Kravchuk (Ukrainian Evaluation Association) and Eval4Action co-leaders, Khalil Bitar (Chair, EvalYouth Global Network) and Marco Segone (Director, UNFPA Evaluation Office).

Watch the event invitation video in Russian. The video invite in English is available below.

UPDATE: The regional consultation recording is available here.

For further details, please write to



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