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Co-creating Eval4Action MENA Action Plan for the SDGs

The Eval4Action MENA Consultation was held on 10 July 2020 with approximately 100 participants from across the region and beyond. The consultation was organized in collaboration between the EvalMENA Network, EvalYouth MENA chapter, and UNFPA Arab States Regional Office (ASRO). The three regional partners are working together on developing the Eval4Action MENA Action Plan for the SDGs, building on the discussions and priority areas identified by leaders and participants representing multiple stakeholder groups (evaluators, VOPEs, lawmakers, policymakers, private sector, and NGOs) during the consultation.

Check this space for updates on the finalization and implementation of the Action Plan.

Follow @Eval_MENA, @EvalYouthMENA, and @UNFPA_Arabic (UNFPA ASRO) on Twitter!

Read more about Eval4Action regional consultations here.


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