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What is the #Eval4Action Commitment Drive?
The #Eval4Action Commitment Drive took place from 19 to 23 October 2020 on Twitter. Currently, 133 commitments to accelerate action for influential evaluation have been declared.
While the Commitment Drive has concluded, an institutional and/or individual commitment to action for influential evaluation can be made at any time by posting a commitment video on Twitter. Find out how you can make a commitment video and post it on Twitter. Read a brief analysis of the commitments.
The commitments can also be viewed on the Eval4Action YouTube channel. As a follow up to the #Eval4Action Commitment Drive, a Walk the Talk drive will take place in October 2021.
Why did Eval4Action undertake a Commitment Drive?
Public declaration of commitments to action by Eval4Action partners and beyond, will pave the way for stronger national and regional advocacy for evaluation capacities and policies. It will enhance cooperation among partners, and further promote the use of evaluations in Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) and in national and local decision-making, accelerating the implementation of the SDGs.
In this way, the Commitment Drive amplifies phase 3 of the Eval4Action campaign that seeks to intensify evaluation advocacy at national, regional and global levels.
global commitments
asia pacific commitments
africa commitments
middle east and north africa commitments
europe commitments
north america commitments
latin america and the caribbean commitments
additional commitments
EDI Global
Réseau Francophone de l'Evaluation
EvalGender Mexico
Chris Lysy
Afrihealth CSO Network
International Research Foundation
Evaluation Society of Kenya
SDG Nigeria Knowledge Hub
The Nigerian Association of Evaluators
Pakistan Evaluation Association
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